Growing Tree Tomatoes - A Quick Fruiter!!!
By Dennis Ting - Gardenworld Nursery
Walking around the garden centre the other day I was thinking about a question I often get asked by many customers. "If I plant an apple or peach tree how long is it going to take before I can see worthwhile crops of fruit?" The answer to this obviously varies depending on how quickly the fruit tree becomes established and settles into regular bearing but usually this is some years.
There are however a small range of fruit bearing plants which grow rapidly and can produce good crops from within one or two years of planting believe it or not!
One such plant is the Tree Tomato (Cyphomandra betacea) sometimes known as Tamarillo especially by the Kiwis who have commercialised it! And yes it is related (distantly) to the vegetable tomatoes that you are used to. But don't be put off by this as the fruit are much much better!!
It forms a small shrubby tree with large oval leaves growing rapidly to around one and a half to two metres before branching and producing its first lot of flowers and thereafter continuing to branch as each cluster of flowers is produced. Yes even the children will be amazed at the speed with which this plant grows!
The oval fruit develop in clusters that hang down starting off as green and ripening to orange or red when about egg size in the winter months. They have a tough skin and can be harvested as they ripen and then sliced in half to eat as is or stewed and then peeled. They have a wonderful spicy flavour.
Generally plants are grown from seed as they grow rapidly and come fairly true to type. We also have grafted trees available which have a special disease resistant rootstock and prolong the life of the plant.
So what do you need to grow a tree tomato successfully?
Firstly you need a sheltered site from strong winds as the plant can become heavy especially when cropping. A couple of good stakes to support the trunk would be advisable. They do not like exposure to hot afternoon sun so an easterly or north facing position would be good.
As the plants grow rapidly prepare the soil with a good blend of compost like Attunga's 'Humus Plus' to add to the water holding capacity of the plant. Plant in and then mulch (Lucerne or Straw) around the plant ensuring it is kept clear of the stem.
The plant will want to grow up to two metres tall before branching so it is best to prune it back at about one metre tall to encourage several strong branches. In early spring each year after harvest prune back the spindly branches to strong older wood to keep the tree compact and productive.
There are no serious pests or diseases but you may find that in spring fungal diseases attack some of the leaves and in warmer weather aphids feed on the leaves. These can easily be controlled and cause no long term problems.
This plant truly deserves a place in every home garden where rapid fruiting on a small attractive low maintenance plant is desired!!
I have a wonderful tree tomato tree growing in Ringwood Melbourne which has now been fruiting for 8 years abd still going.
It was planted in a sunny but well sheltered (beside a shed and fence) part of my back garden. Its been such a sucessiful fruiting tree that I have planted another as my sister in NZ says I must as mine cant last much longer!
I have a number of NZers who I keep in supply over the fruiting season.
Posted by: Lesley Walsh | December 27, 2009 at 08:04 PM
is this tamarillo drought tolerant, and can handle hot days
Posted by: mike | January 19, 2010 at 09:54 PM
hi grew the tree in adelaide very succesfully, im now up in townsville qld do you know if the tree can be growen in the tropics, also where can i get it, because of the bland conservitive aussy pallet this tree is hardly known about, thankyou steve
Posted by: stephen wilkinson | March 03, 2010 at 11:17 AM
My experience ingrowing Tamirillos in the north of New Zealand is that they ae a sub tropical plant. They cannot tolerate frost, and they do not like excess dryness, or too much heat. Planting them against a shelteed area beside a shed or house is a good idea where they get sun, but still be a bit sheltered from the high temeratures of a hot dry summer afternoon.
They grow like a weed. Very fast growing for a fruit tree. The branches are not very strong and can be broken easily with a lot of wind.
I was asked about the tast. I would say something like a taste between raspberries and rhubarb. A bit acid with a sharp flavour, but fruity and nice. If stewed, you can add a bit bit of sugar like you would in cooking rhubarb. Very nice stewed and eaten with vanilla icecream. If eating them raw, sprinkle a bit of sugar on them, like you eat a grapefuit.
There is three basic varieties than I know. Yellow skin and yellow flesh, with pink to red pulp. This one is the less acid one and not so tart, but less flavour.
Then there is the one that has a less reddy colour skin that has a yellow flesh under the light red skin, with red pulp.
The third one is a dark red skin, pink to red flesh, and red pulp. This is the more tasty one but also the more acid in flavour. You definitely need a bit of sugar with this one.
Ian S.
Posted by: Ian Spark | June 20, 2010 at 10:29 PM
Hi I live in the UK and have 2 Tamirillos growing in containers in my green house they are just fruiting now and look very healthy the trees are into their third season and are about 4 feet high I did not know that the fruit ripens in the winter looking forward to eating them
Regards Dave Bell
Posted by: David Bell | June 27, 2010 at 10:16 AM
My Tree suffered in the frost a few weeks ago and all the leaves are black. Lost all the flowers so another year without fruit i suppose. I am dying to see fruit on my tree. It is two years old. Perhaps next year?
Posted by: Diana [email protected] | July 17, 2010 at 01:20 PM
Hi, I am a New Zealander living in Queensland Australia I have just planted a tree tomato and I am amazed, it is full of fruit, for the first time. BUT... Does anyone really know how to prepare and eat them so they taste just the best, especially on ice cream..... Scoop out the flesh, add sugar, put in the fridge, when it all turns a very dark colour almost black then eat, the flavour is rich and wonderful with ice cream, as I have said. Good luck if you try this. Don't cook them it will wreck the flavour, the sugar added will turn the flesh to a pulpy mixture, yum yum yum is all I can say.
Posted by: dian Jordan | October 13, 2010 at 02:43 PM
Hi,very good info', just about to launch one into the garden, when it stops raining, think??? we have ideal spot ! blue mntns nsw aus
Posted by: billyboy | November 30, 2010 at 04:32 PM
I have a tamarillo tree now 3 years old. The first two seasons it has fruited well with amazing lush growth, but after pruning late this spring the leaves keep dropping off and now there are only a few very wilted leaves and most of the new fruit has also dropped. There are new shoots appearing on some of the trunks but these look very fragile. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can save my tree? I have struck several of the prunings so have cuttings to plant out. But would prefer to rescue the tree itself.
We live in the top of the South Island, NZ.
Posted by: Shary | January 03, 2011 at 10:31 PM
Unfortunately Tamarillos can sometimes have a very short life span. I had two trees here in Melbourne that grew well and after the first crop the trees suddenly both died in spring when I expected new growth and nothing I did could save them. I am on heavy clay soil and this probably contributed to the problems.I now have a grafted Tamarillo (on a strong Solanum rootstock like. S mauritianum etc) and it cropped well last winter and is flowering well now.
Posted by: Dennis Ting | January 14, 2011 at 09:55 AM