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We have a large macadamia tree & it starting to get really high, about 7 metres high.
I would like to know when is a good time to prune back.

Thank You

hi im really interested in planting some at my place in Melbourne and back in Lebanon so my question is where i get the seed from and would it survive a cold weather??????????

Our 6 yr old tree suddenly died. It had lots of flowers and promised well for this season. When we pulled it up, the soil was moist enough but the trunk seemed to have a more or less blunt end with no good root system. Is this a fault of the Macadamia tree, as we have two more planted?

I"ve just bought a macadamia nut tree from our local market, i still have it in the pot {about 6inches across}and the plant is about 2 foot tall. Nearly all the leaves have turned a bronze color and fall the moment i touch them. Is this normal for the leaves to fall, it is autaumn here but i"ve never grown this tree before. PLEASE HELP

Macadamia is very sensitive to fertiliser. Especially Phosphorous. Best advice I can give is - dont use fertiliser.

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