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If they flower/fruit on new growth, can they not be grown like raspberries? ie. can't you prune off last year's growth and let new canes sprout from the trunk to flower/fruit this year?

My comments based on my limited growing experience are as follows:

The new canes from the base grow and only have a cluster of flowers at the end (10-20 flowers).

In the second year the buds along the length of this cane produce shorter flowering spurs and unlike rsapberries that only last one season go on producing for some years.

If you cut off all the last years growth then you will not develop the recurring fruiting structures.

I hope this helps

Where does the bush you sell originate from as I have heard that some variaties are more tasty than others?

Dear Purchase Manager,
We are goji grower from China, have goji garden in Ningxia and Tibeten Area, accompany with another harvest time arrive, send this letter may you kindly consider to purchase from our gardens, who is good in quality and price.
Further more information kindly visit http://www.gojiberry.cn, we also have years exporting experience, so any questions or ideas feel free to ask us please, wish we could do business together one day, news from you always be highly appreciated!
PS. we also have a little wild goji berry, if you are interested in, kindly let us know at your earlist time please, as its really limited.

Best Regards

[email protected]

The ones we get at Gardenworld are from a grower in the Toolangi region in Victoria.

Can you advise me if there are any suppliers in the Brisbane area or can you send them to me. Hope to hear from you soon as we are now going into the cooler part of the year. Regards Lachlan

Congratulations! You have so much useful information, write more.

Can Goji's be grown in a pot?

can goji berries be grown in sub tropical conditiions

thanks very much for this info. I planted three Goji plants in winter, but they didn't flower this season - hopefully next summer I'll get to try my own ! I live near the Barossa Valley, South Australia.

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