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that was nice to read this blog that was really great.. great job...

Just wondering how well the lace curtain went with the walnut tree? I live in Adelaide and we have many Cockatoos and other birds who always enjoy our walnuts - they then all fall the the ground in pieces and we don't even get 1! Was considering getting a net but I think now a curtain.

I found that the principle behind the lace curtain worked well as it hid the walnuts from the marauding flock of cockatoos.

In previous years I had tried standard bird netting but as walnuts are carried at the top of branches the cockatoos would just land on the net and casually peck at the nuts through the netting!!!

The only downfall of curtain lace was that parts tended to tear in strong winds so I have up graded to light weight shade cloth which still hides the nuts and tree but is much better lasting.

i want to do walnut tree in my garden but i didn't now beforewhat your advace for the godd growing up walnut tree can you give me number or some infomations about walnut tree thanks a lot just the let me now

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